
KIAP lawyers won a major litigation at Vienna International Arbitration Center

Date: 26.03.2019

The dispute was carried out in the interests of the Russian Сlient against the Italian equipment manufacturer and was related to the return of the advance payment under the supply contract and compensation for losses caused by the early termination of the contract.

At the in-person hearing in Vienna, held in English, the positions of the parties were orally announced with the provision of written evidence, but in addition, KIAP lawyers were able to carry out a successful cross-examination of witnesses, which became a key factor in achieving victory.

Based on the totality of the information and evidence obtained in the case, applying the provisions of the Vienna Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods of 1980, the court fully satisfied the requirements of the Principal of KIAP and completely refused the defendant's counterclaim.

It is worth to mention that the arbitration tribunal also awarded full compensation for all the arbitration expenses incurred by the Client for KIAP lawyers.

At the hearing the Client was represented by partner Anna Grishchenkova and associate Natalia Kisliakova. Associates Sergey Ilin, Evgeny Vasin, Stepan Sultanov and junior associate Ksenia Teplova made an invaluable contribution to the victory at the stage of preparation for the case.