
Associate Anastasia Skovpen held master class "Protection of competition and intellectual property: use impossible to be prohibited"

Date: 30.06.2020

On Monday, 29 June 2020, an online master class was held on the topic "Protection and Intellectual Property: use impossible to be prohibited", organized by the "PRO. Education" Center of the Moscow State Law University. The master class was held by Anastasia Skovpen, Associate of KIAP IP practice.

On the one hand, the law on protection allows copyright holders to protect themselves from unfair actions of competitors, and on the other hand, provides “immunity” from the application of antitrust laws concerning the results of intellectual activity. This peculiar approach suggests the question - what are the limits of protection of intellectual property rights?

Some believe that it is necessary to always protect copyright holders who have incurred the time and financial costs of promoting a product from competitors' unfair actions. It is more reasonable to prioritize the economic effect of the actions of competitors and the measures taken to protect copyright holders: the same packaging may not be a violation, and the copyright holder may be obliged to conclude a license agreement. During the webinar, the participants were looking for answers to the question, where is the line when the balance of interests of all parties is observed.

The master class was attended by lawyers specializing in intellectual property and antimonopoly law, in-house lawyers, and students of various courses at the Moscow State Law University (MSAL).

The speaker's presentation is available in Russian in our Analytics section or by following the link.