
Mikhail Samoylov Speaking at Current Stage of Judicial Reform, E-Justice Conference in the city of St. Petersburg

Date: 29.06.2012

On June 26 – 28, 2012 in St. Petersburg, Presidential Library named after Boris Yeltsin, the conference for theoretical and applied research Current Stage of Judicial Reform, E-Justice is being held, organized by the Federal Commercial Arbitration Court for North West District, non-profit partnership Kodeks Information and Legal Consortium, with further support by the Supreme Commercial Court of the Russian Federation.

Senior Associate of Litigation practice of Korelskiy, Ischuk, Astafiev and Partners, Attorneys at Law Mikhail Samoylov spoke during the plenary session of the first day of the conference and in his speech raised concerns and described proposals of practising lawyers on how to enhance procedural component in the work of commercial arbitration courts aimed at further improvement of the arbitration judicial system in Russia.

During these three days representatives of more than 50 commercial arbitration courts of Russia, scientific community and law firms discussed issues related to practical implementation and future of information technologies in judicial system.