
KIAP Partners Attended the Annual Meeting of the International Trademark Association in Washington

Date: 10.05.2012

The International Trademark Association (INTA) Annual Meeting was held during 5-9 May 2012 in Washington. This year KIAP was represented by Andrey Korelskiy, managing partner, and partners Ilya Ischuk and Anton Samokhvalov at the conference.

The INTA Annual Meeting is the main professional venue for the representatives of the international IP community for sharing experience and expanding business contacts. This year more than 9000 IP experts from 140 countries attended the events, organized in the framework of the conference – educational seminars, round tables, exhibitions and informal meetings.

In addition to the main program of the Annual Meeting, KIAP partners had more than 20 meetings with representatives of law firms from the USA, UK, Austria, China, Japan, Brazil, India and Turkey, and discussed conditions for future international cooperation.

Founded in 1878, the Association is a key international coordinator of professional activities of the IP market participants with the headquarters in New York City. Today, the Association includes 5700 trademark owners, patent attorneys, professionals and academics from more than 190 countries and is dedicated to the protection and advancement of trade marks and other intellectual property as the basis for fair and effective commerce on domestic and international markets. KIAP is a member of INTA since 2011 and took part at the Annual Meeting for the second time.