The dispute was related to the appeal of the decisions of the customs authority on the classification of goods according to the Foreign Economic Activity Commodity Nomenclature of the Customs Union (the FEACN of the CU).
Representing the interests of the importer, KIAP lawyers have managed to prove that the disputed tires were intended for vehicles and machinery used in construction, mining, or industry, and are not intended for buses or cars for the transport of goods, this will allow the principal to apply a customs duty rate of 5% instead of 10% (according to the position of the customs authority).
The importance of the outcome of the litigation for the Principal lies in eliminating the risk of potential additional charge of customs payments for past and future periods in the amount of up to several tens of millions of rubles.
The interests of the Principal in this dispute were represented by lawyers Alexander Kim and Alexey Sizov.
Date: 29.06.2020