
KIAP defended the interests of Ferretti Rus in cassation instance

Date: 28.01.2016

On January 27, 2016 the Arbitration Court of Moscow District upheld the judicial acts of first and appeal instances for enforceability of the decision of the Office of the Federal Antimonopoly Service of the Moscow region (UFAS). The decision established that unfair competition in respect of Feretti Rus by Ramenskiy confectionery Works LLC, whose packaging infringed the interests of Feretti Rus and the Russian competition law of the RF.

Earlier, in December 2014, UFAS found Ramenskiy confectionery Works LLC to be in breach of competition law in the RF confectionery market. In 2015 Ramenskoye Confectionery Works LLC challenged the decision of UFAS in court, but the courts of all instances considered antitrust authority's decision lawful and justified. 

Interests of Feretti Rus were represented by Anastasia Pichugina, attorney at law at KIAP IP practice.