Konstantin Astafiev

Konstantin Astafiev

Lawyer, partner and one of the co-founders of KIAP. Heads "International Commercial Arbitration" and "White Collar Crime” and "Forensic. Legal Inquiries" practices at KIAP. Konstantin gained huge experience working in the state security bodies investigating the economic crimes. He successfully represented the interests of Russian and international companies during the investigation of corporate fraud cases, protection of the interests of companies and their officials.
Ranked lawyer in The Legal 500 EMEA 2021 (Leading Individual in White-collar crime), Best Lawyers 2022, Pravo.ru-300, Chambers Global, Leaders League. According to Best Lawyers 2013 International Rating Konstantin Astafiev recognized as ‘Lawyer of the Year’ in the area of litigation support in Russia.
Also individually ranked in 2023 by Pravo-300 (Band 4: Criminal Law) and "Kommersant" (Criminal Law: Economic crimes - 2 band).



  • Representation of engineering & construction company located in Czech Republic in EUR25m construction dispute before the Arbitration Institute of the Stockholm Chamber of Commerce against one of the Russian leading metallurgical companies.
  • Representation of a Russian Entrepreneur from the Forbes List in a Number of Cross-Border Litigations to Establish Control over Production Facilities in the Russian Federation Lawyers of AB KIAP succeeded in obtaining the appointment of an interim manager by the BVI court and gaining control over the opponent company, whose assets included a number of real estate items in the Russian Federation through the chain of corporate ownership.  Litigations were simultaneously conducted in Russia, the BVI, and the Seychelles. As a result, the Principal of AB KIAP gained full control over the production facilities, and the issue with the opponents was finally settled under an amicable agreement.
  • Representation of a Well-Known International Investor in a High-Profile Case Considered in a Number of Austrian Courts Jointly with Austrian Colleagues In parallel, a team of lawyers with the participation of AB KIAP’s representatives also defended interests of the principal within the framework of a criminal audit conducted by the Austrian prosecutor’s office. No claims or charges were brought against the principal based on the audit results.
  • Representation of the Manager of a Cypriot Company Appointed by a Cypriot Court in a Number of Litigations, as well as on Issues Related to Obtaining Control over Assets Located in Russia, Searching and Collecting Evidence Confirming the Nominated Nature of Directors, Shareholders and the Figure of the Companies’ Real Beneficiary Thanks to the efforts of AB KIAP, it was possible to stop illegal actions of the Cypriot company’s directors and their representatives, aimed at obtaining the awarded RUB 225 million bypassing orders of the Cypriot court, as well as to confirm the manager’s powers and legality of the actions taken by AB KIAP as representatives of the manager in a number of litigations.
  • Representing Capital Insurance Company (part of ROSGOSSTRAH) in insurance dispute worth 32 mln US Dollars. The dispute arose in connection with the refusal by thirty foreign reinsurers, some of them members of Lloyd's, to pay out a reinsurance claim from the Russian insurance company Capital Insurance for the loss of the aircraft, the total amount of which originally was over 32 mln US dollars. 8th Arbitrazh Court of Appeal upheld a decision of the Arbitrazh Court of Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug – Yugra, which fully granted the claim lodged by KIAP's Client, the Capital Insurance Russian insurance company, for the recovery of reinsurance proceeds for the loss of aircraft.
  • Representing of Irish Bank Resolution Corporation Limited in a series of disputes related to the bankruptcy of a major international financial group, including execution of judgments from the Republic of Belize and the Republic of Northern Ireland by RF SСC (amount at issue: 200+ mln euros).
  • Representation of Germany-based supplier of petroleum production equipment before the Arbitration Institute of the Stockholm Chamber of Commerce and in the matter of recognition and enforcement of arbitral award in Russia. 
  • Representing of major international electronics producers in potentially precedent case on recovery of damages based on the abuse of rights. The case involves litigation in Russia and BVI and potential enforcement proceedings in several jurisdictions.
  • Representing insurance company Allianz in a dispute with a foreign reinsurer on a reinsurance recovery in the total amount of more than USD 35 million arising out of the accident at the Sayano-Shushenskaya hydropower plant (total damage over USD 200 million). The result – the client’s claim was satisfied in full, afterwards the decision was enforced in the territory of Switzerland.
  • Representation of Russian Design Bureau (Bureau is designing subsea vessels and developing deep water rescue facilities against the orders of the Russian Navy) in a dispute before the International Court of Arbitration of the International Chamber of Commerce against Italian supplier of technological equipment. 

White Collar Crime:

  • Representing the large Russian insurance company in the criminal case on insurance fraud.
  • Protecting interests of electronic equipment producer in espionage case: represented the company officers during investigation handled by the Federal Security Service of the Russian Federation (FSB) and technical expertise. As the result several charges have been removed.
  • Representing the CEO of the large Russian company acting on the car market in the case of breach of Russian currency law. As the result all charges have been removed and criminal investigation has been closed.
  • Representing the leading Russian IT company, which was an injured party in criminal proceedings concerning embezzlement of public funds.
  • Representing one of the shareholders of a large Russian company specialized in natural resources during criminal proceedings concerning the embezzlement of shares worth USD$10 million.
  • Representation of a client against attempts by swindlers to deduct from bank accounts more than 1 billion rubles using falsified bills.
  • Representation of a client in a criminal case arising from damage to the company by its employees worth more than $ 1.2 million.
Forensic. Legal Inquiries:
  • Representing an international company producing alcoholic beverages as part of an internal corporate investigation into possible corruption-related abusive practices on the part of the company’s counterparty’s employees. As a result of the investigation a number of company employees were found out to be participating in a series of illegal actions; the respective statements were filed with the law enforcement agencies, and employment relations with the above-mentioned employees became terminated.
  • Conducting an internal corporate investigation of a Russian company into possible participation of a director of the branches of the company in fraudulent schemes. As a result of an investigation the complete structure of the fraudulent group became revealed, as well as the details of the fraudulent schemes the group was engaged in. The employment relations with the members of the group were terminated.   
  • Conducting a series of forensic investigations into the goodwill of a number of Russian and foreign companies required for addressing fraud and premeditated bankruptcy statements to the law enforcement agencies.


  • Representing one of the biggest airline companies in a bankruptcy matter of a large tour operator.
  • Representation of a global marketing company operating in more than 60 countries worldwidein bankruptcy proceedings against a major distributor of the company's products in Russia, the representative of Noble House group.

  • Consulting on employment and labor law issues for Quantel, HBI, Cambridge University Press and other major international clients of KIAP, which operate in Russia, including drafting of employment contracts, and assistance in hiring of highly qualified specialists.
  • Drafting of legal opinions for Panalpina Group, Yokogawa, and Metro Cash & Carry  on various employment matters, including those on available grounds and procedure for disciplinary and criminal action against employees under the Russian legislation, in relations between employer and employees who have children under 3 years old and consulting on the issue  of establishment of different working hours for employees. 
  • Advising on complex procedures relating to dismissals of employees and senior managers of international and Russian companies, including Quantel andGlobal Jet.
  • Representation of two foreign hockey players who appeared for a Junior Hockey League club in a claim for the recovery of wages and severance pay. That was the Firm's first case to be heard by the Disciplinary Committee of the Kontinental Hockey League.
  • Representing Direct Group in a number of claims by senior employees against our client for dismissals which involved claims for significant premium compensation as well as compensation for moral injury. All disputes were resolved in our client’s favor.
  • Representation of the major trade company in a litigation of the lawsuit filed by the company's manager seeking to invalidate the dismissal, to reinstate in position and to recover a payment for forced absence.
  • Complex legal support with respect to contractual agreements; consultations on all legal issues, for boxing WBO middleweight champion Dmitry Pirog.
  • Successful representation of the volleyball club Iskra, in resolution of its conflict with the Volleyball Federation of Russia due to a disqualification of one of the players of the club and the volleyball team Russia. The dispute has been resolved by signing the settlement on mutually beneficial terms.
  • Complex legal consultations for the large football agency on the Russian soccer player transfer market.
  • Successful legal consultations for the Russian basketball player, a member of the Russia’s national basketball team, in the field of contractual obligations before a professional basketball club.
  • Representation of Houghton in an employment dispute with the company's regional top manager on matters of expungement of a disciplinary record, reversal of termination and recovery of travel and medical expenses from the employer. After protracted litigation, the KIAP's lawyers succeeded in demonstrating that the claims filed were lacking in substance and in exonerating the client completely before the courts of all three instances.
  • Litigation with a regional top manager of ZARA SNG. The trial ended in a settlement, with no damages paid by the client. The dispute centred on one of the rarely invoked reasons for employee termination – loss of trust.
  • Advising INDITEX on the development of incentive programmes for senior management, drafting and audit of employment contracts.
  • Assistance during examinations initiated by the State Labor Inspection for companies including Hansa and Global Jet.
  • Representation of ROCKWOOL in a dispute with a trade union. Drafting of a collective agreement, talks on behalf of the employer, resolution of matters in dispute, development of proposals to protect the interests of the staff and the employer.

Спрос на адвокатские расследования растет, хотя профессионально этим занимаются лишь единицы. Защитники способны по заданию клиента разыскать того, кто скрывается, прочитать удаленную переписку, вручить повестку для участия в зарубежном судебном процессе. Иногда это просто, а иногда приходится организовывать целые «постановки». Адвокаты могут без лишнего шума собрать доказательства преступления, н...
 6043 12.10.2018 Konstantin Astafiev, Право.Ru
Арбитражный суд Москвы в четверг снял арест с денежных средств на сумму более 60 млрд рублей, наложенный на счета компании Fintailor Investments Ltd в кипрском филиале Промсвязьбанка. Об этом сообщил "Интерфаксу" представитель Fintailor, партнер адвокатского бюро КИАП Константин Астафьев. Эти обеспечительные меры были введены по заявлению временной администраци...
There are few members of the international community currently less popular than Russia. The opprobrium directed at Vladimir Putin for annexing Crimea earlier this year was redoubled in July with the downing of flight MH17 over Ukraine, an attack believed to have been carried out by pro-Russia separatists. To compound matters, a heavyweight arbitral tribunal in The Hague a matter of weeks after...
 10001 03.10.2014 Konstantin Astafiev, CDR