
On September 24, after a number of court hearings in the bankruptcy case at the Moscow Region Arbitration Court, KIAP lawyers managed to prove the legitimacy of the interests of the owners of a large distributor of climate equipment in a dispute over invalidating purchase and sale contract for warehouse property worth 115 million rubles. The plaintiff referred to the conclusion of the c...
 1815 27.09.2018 Bankruptcy
The plaintiff stated in the claims that he suffered multi-million dollar losses in connection with the violation of the seller's guarantees and assurances provided in the contract of sale of the power station. However, KIAP lawyers, representing the seller, managed to prove that the property sold by the Principal has corresponded to the quality stated in the contract, so that the pl...
In the beginning of July, 2018 The Court of Appeal rejected to accept an appeal of Mr Bazhanov, referring to its groundlessness and the absence of violations by the judge of the High court of Justice in England in deciding to refuse jurisdiction. In December, 2017 the High court of Justice in England rejected the claim of Mr Bazhanov, former Deputy head of the Ministry of agricultur...
 2416 12.07.2018 Litigation
Within the claims under the lawsuit the company stated that in the conditions of a difficult financial situation the CEO of the company unreasonably caused the company's losses in the amount of more than 30 million rubles. However, KIAP lawyers managed to prove in the courts of all instances, including the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation, that as a result of the actions taken by CEO, th...
 1977 29.06.2018 Litigation
In May 2017 the Moscow customs initiated a cameral customs audit for a large importing company. Within the audit the structure and the size of the customs value of goods imported for the previous three-year period were checked. During the inspection KIAP lawyers prepared and submitted documents, information and explanations, substantiating the position of the Principal when declaring the custom...
 2085 20.04.2018
In December 2017, in Her Majesty’s High Court of Justice in England the final hearing of the claim of Alexey Bazhanov to companies of the Saint Petersburg holding “Blago” owner, Arkadiy Fosman, was held. Alexey Bazhanov tried to collect  £30 million pounds of reparation for assets of “Masloproduct” group, which currently went bankrupt, previously owned by him. At the present abovemen...
KIAP successfully finished the litigation of the case on establishment of cadastral value of the office building located in the center of Moscow. As a result of consideration of an administrative claim filed by the Bureau and the examination of the market value of the object, the cadastral value was reduced for more than 750 million rubles. The project was led by Head of “Real...
 2590 07.12.2017
KIAP, Attorneys at Law, have represented the interests of a former top-manager of a large trading network in a dispute regarding his vicarious liability in the bankruptcy case for the debts of the company. The sum of creditors’ claims exceeded 11 billion rubles. Despite opponents’ arguments about the presence of losses and misconduct on the side of the top managers, KIAP lawyers suc...
 2438 01.11.2017 Bankruptcy
AB KIAP successfully finished the litigation of the case on establishment of cadastral value of the office building located in the center of Moscow which was handled in the Moscow City Court. As a result of consideration of an administrative claim filed by the Bureau and the examination of the market value of the object, the cadastral value was reduced for more than 250 million ...
 2397 01.09.2017
In May 2017 Russian “Zvezda Shipbuilding complex” and Korean Hyundai Samho Heavy Industries Co. Ltd (HSHI) have launched a joint venture in the field of engineering and project management – OOO “Zvezda-Hyundai” in Bolshoi Kamen, Prymorsky Kray. Terms of transaction stipulate for the South Korean company to provide technical support in designing and building of “Aframax” class ships at ship...
 2469 24.08.2017 Corporate and M&A
On May 23, 2017 Arbitration Court of Moscow Region (cassation court) decided to leave in force the decisions of the Moscow Arbitration Court and Ninth Arbitration Court of Appeal, according to which foreign reinsurers’ claim to the Russian insurance company - AB KIAP’s principal - was denied in full. This case was the last one in a number of disputes under reinsurance...
 2446 13.07.2017 Insurance
The Arbitrazh court of Moscow district has recently brought down the curtain on a two-year series of disputes between a large garment mass-market retailer and a software developer. The developer undertook to design complex software aimed to administer a trade information network and the online shop of the Client; the contracts also obliged the developer to provide associated service...
 2321 04.07.2017 Litigation
On May, 23, 2017 Arbitration Court of Moscow Region (cassation court) decided to leave in force the decision of the Ninth Arbitration Court of Appeal, according to which foreign reinsurers’ claim to the Russian insurance company - AB KIAP’s principal  - was denied in full. The main difficulty of this dispute was the different interpretation of the conditions of the reinsurance ...
 2402 02.06.2017 Insurance
KIAP lawyers successfully represented the Russian retail leader in dispute with the former top-manager of the company. The employee made a claim to the court on employment reinstatement and recovery of bonuses in excess 50 millions of rubles. The key problem of the case was to prove that the bonus was not included in salary, but depended on KPI of a top-manager. The KIAP lawyer...
 2228 31.05.2017 Employment
Internal analysis of foreign trade activities of the client discovered that the goods imported in 2014 could be classified on another tariff code of the Foreign Trade Commodity Nomenclature, consequently the company has a right to reimburse customs duties and taxes paid previously. The customs authority denied to accept the company’s application for tariff code changes in customs de...
 2350 13.04.2017
In the course of pro bono services attorneys of KIAP IP practice assisted the charitable fund for elderly and disabled people «Starost v radost» (eng – “Oldness for Joy”), a non-profit organization that over 10 years provides support to lonely elderly people living in social institutions all over Russia, with registering their main logo as a trademark. Progr...
 2342 31.03.2017 Intellectual Property
On March 14, 2017, the Ninth Arbitration Court of Appeal has considered the appeal of a number of foreign reinsurers against decision of the Moscow Arbitration Court, according to which claim to the Russian insurance company - AB KIAP’s principal  - on the return of unjust enrichment at the total amount of about was denied in full. Upon review of the appeal, decision of the first instance ...
 2376 28.03.2017 Insurance
On February 7, 2017 the IPR Court cassation instance upheld first instance and appeal courts’ decisions over a series of German hypermarket chain Globus’ trademarks protection in case No. А60-11954/2016, wherein KIAP team successfully ceased an unauthorized use of “Globus” in a name of one of the biggest shopping and entertainment malls of Yekaterinburg in full, including the Web. KI...
 2476 16.02.2017 Intellectual Property
On January 30th, 2017, the Ninth Arbitrazh Appeal court has dismissed the appeal plea of our opponent in a 184 mln rub dispute (60 mln rub claimed by the opponent, 64 mln rub demanded in a counterclaim). This case has lasted for more than 4.5 years and concerned recovery of damages that have been incurred after the fire spread in a rented warehouse in 2012. The origina...
 2378 14.02.2017 Litigation
On February 6, 2017, the Ninth Arbitration Court of Appeal has considered the appeal of the Russian insurance company - AB KIAP’s principal – against decision of the Moscow Arbitration Court, according to which claim of a number of foreign reinsurers on the return of unjust enrichment at the total amount of about US $ 4 million were satisfied. Upon review of the appeal, decision of the firs...
 2334 08.02.2017 Insurance