The Forum of regional divisions of Association of lawyers of Russia devoted to “Mentorship in legal profession: traditions and innovations” was held in Tver on November 29, 2018. The key questions to discuss were: the meaning of mentorship in the epoch of changes, creation of digital environment in public authorities and law enforcement area, the role of the government in digital transformation, new requirements for lawyers’ professional competence in different law application spheres, as well as challenges, which lawyers are about to face during the process of digitalization.
KIAP Partner and Head of Antitrust and Competition practice Ilya Ischuk spoke at the panel discussion, within the framework of which representatives of legal community have discussed the meaning of mentorship as an effective tool in development of corporate culture and leadership in digitalization epoch, worked out main approaches to solve tasks of digital economy.
The discussion platforms were attended by members of the governing bodies of the Association of lawyers of Russia, representatives of regional branches of the Central Federal district, legislative and executive authorities of the Tver region, the judicial community and law enforcement bodies, legal firms, business structures, law and notary chambers of the Tver region, as well as leading lawyers of the Central Federal district.