KIAP and My Lawyer Club will Conduct a Round Table at the Moscow State Law Academy, on the Topic of Career as an Antimonopoly Lawyer in Russia

On October 18, 2012, a round table presentation will be held at the Moscow State Law Academy named after O.E. Kutafin, on the topic of career opportunities that are available in Russia for the lawyers working in the field of antimonopoly regulations. The meeting will be organized by My Lawyer Club, Korelskiy, Ischuk, Astafiev and Partners, Attorneys at Law, in partnership with the Association of Graduate Students of the Moscow State Academy of Law.

Leading legal professionals specializing in the antimonopoly law, representatives of the Federal Antimonopoly Service and business players, students and teachers will get together to discuss career opportunities that exist in the antimonopoly practice area as well as important tendencies and perspectives that describe or apply to this practice area.

The topic for the meeting has not been chosen randomly. The area of antimonopoly regulations today represents one of the areas of law in Russia undergoing the rapid growth. Beginning year 2004 the Federal Antimonopoly Service has launched numerous legal initiatives and it is taking an active part in establishing law enforcements precedents while maintaining a transparent dialogue with the experts’ community. Busy approach of the regulator all but should have impacted the market of legal services. Institutions of higher post-secondary professional education have now opened the departments of antimonopoly law, the Russian and international law firms set antimonopoly practices while recruitment agencies acknowledge a deficit of specialists possessing good expertise in this field.

Preliminary Timetable for the Event:

16:30 – 16:40 – Introductory part, introduction of panel participants.

  • MATSKEVICH, IGOR MIKHAILOVICH, Ph.D. in Law., Professor, Pro-Rector on Scientific Research at the Moscow State Academy of Law named after O.E. Kutafin;
  • SHAKHNAZAROV, BENIAMIN ALEKSANDROVICH, Ph.D. Candidate in Law, Director of the Non-Profit Association of Graduate Students of the Moscow State Academy of Law;
  • ISCHUK, ILYA, Partner of Korelskiy, Ischuk, Astafiev and Partners, Attorneys at Law.

16:40 – 16:55 PUZERVSKY, SERGUEI, Head of the Legal Department of the Federal Antimonopoly Service. Federal Antimonopoly Service Scope of Responsibilities – or What Do the Employees of the Antimonopoly Agency Do on a Daily Basis?

16:55 – 17:05 Questions & Answers.

17:05 – 17:40 VOICHENKO, SERGUEI, Department of Regulatory Risks Management, Corporate and Legal Matters Block, KC MTS Group. A Dialogue between Business and the Regulator.

17:40 – 18:00 NUMEROVA, ANNA, Partner of Korelskiy, Ischuk, Astafiev and Partners, Attorneys at Law, ISCHUK, ILYA, Partner of Korelskiy, Ischuk, Astafiev and Partners, Attorneys at Law, The Role of Consultants in Application of Antimonopoly Law.

18:00 – 18:30 Questions & Answers.