
KIAP successfully settled a case on enforcement of award of Arbitration Institute of Stockholm Chamber of Commerce

KIAP successfully settled a case on enforcement of award of Arbitration Institute of Stockholm Chamber of Commerce
Date: 09.09.2024

KIAP represented a major German supplier of petroleum production equipment in the matter of enforcing an award of the Arbitration Institute of the Stockholm Chamber of Commerce (SCC) in Russia. Having filed a foreign arbitral award enforcement petition, the Firm's litigators succeeded in settling out of court following long talks with the defendant, who decided to comply with the award voluntarily. 

As a result, the award of the SCC for the client was complied with in full without ligitation, with the client also reimbursed for the legal costs of engaging KIAP. 

The engagement was carried out by KIAP Senior Associate Irina Suspitcyna and Partner Konstantin Astafiev.