
KIAP secured the termination of 9 administrative offence cases in the field of transport security

Date: 05.07.2019

The Federal Agency for Transport Supervision (Rostransnadzor) concluded that the Principal of KIAP, a major international airline, had violated transport safety requirements, and therefore 9 cases of administrative offenses were filed against the airline.

At the stage of the administrative investigation, KIAP lawyers managed to collect and present sufficient evidence and explanations indicating that the airline’s actions lack the set of elements of an offense.

Based on the results of the assessment of the evidence and explanations submitted by KIAP lawyers, the Rostransnadzor officials decided to discontinue the proceedings in all 9 cases.

The interests of the Principal on the project were represented by KIAP lawyers Olga Kascheeva and Alexander Kim, as well as by KIAP partner Alexey Sizov.