
Successfully Completed Antitrust Investigation in the Interests of One of the Leaders of the Russian Distance-Selling Market

Date: 13.07.2011

Attorneys of the Law Firm conducted the antitrust investigation in the interests of one of the leaders of the Russian distance-selling market. Thanks to the rigorously gathered evidence base and convincing speech at the meeting of Federal Antimonopoly Service committee, it was proven that the violations committed by the Client during a major advertising campaign of its products are irrelevant.

As a result the Client not only managed to avoid considerable fines, but also to keep his positive reputation on the distance selling market. Besides, identification of risks by the experts of the Law Firm in connection with this case, helped to develop a new company policy, which accounts for all the requirements of the Russian antitrust legislation.

Interests of the Client were represented by the partners of the Law Firm Ilya Ischuk and Konstantin Astafiev.