
Andrey Korelskiy spoke at the Russian South Legal Forum 2020

Date: 21.09.2020

On September 19-21, 2020, the regular Russian South Legal Forum was held in Sochi, organized by the YUG Law Office (Krasnodar) and the international law firm Dentons with the support of

Russian South Legal Forum is the leading communication platform in the professional legal community of the southern region. As part of the Forum's business program, leading consultants, in-houses, and government officials talked about the most actual problems of the region, discussed with the participants "coronavirus law" and the consequences of the coronavirus pandemic for business, touched upon the topic of bankruptcy during a lockdown and a moratorium on initiating bankruptcy proceedings. An equally important topic for discussion was the legal responsibility of top managers of companies in Russia and abroad.

Andrey Korelskiy, the Managing Partner of KIAP, Attorneys at Law, was one of the moderators of the session "Clients and Consultants in Legal Business: Restarting after the Lockdown" which was held in the World Café format. During the session, experts discussed the topic of interaction between consultants and in-house lawyers during the lockdown, analyzed the most popular ways of interaction: webinars, social networks, alerts, and support calls. At the end of the session, the results were summed up about the tools which are effective and which ones became mists of history.

The informal program of the event has been no less eventful and varied. So, on the first day of the Forum, an intellectual game based on "What? Where? When?" was held, as well as wine tasting, on the second day at the end of the business program, a gala dinner was held, and on the last third day of the Forum, the Russian Legal Cup regatta was organized for the participants by

The Forum was attended by CEOs, top managers of international, federal, and regional law firms, heads of legal departments, corporate lawyers, sector consultants, and market experts, as well as business representatives from the Southern Region.