Andrey Korelskiy

Andrey Korelskiy

Managing partner

Attorney at law, Managing partner and founder of KIAP. Andrey Korelskiy is the head of the firm’s litigation practice. He has 20 years of experience in supporting major litigations. Andrey's core specialisation: dispute resolution, bankruptcy and international commercial arbitration. Since 2016 a member of the Board of the Russian Arbitration Association (RAA), has been included in the unified recommended list of arbitrators and a member of the corporate disputes panel of the Arbitration Center at the Russian Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs (RSPP).


A favourite in the major Russian and international legal rankings:

  • In 2024, Pravo-300 personally recommended Andrey as one of the best Russian lawyers in arbitration proceedings (mid market), dispute resolution in courts of general jurisdiction, international litigation, as well as family and inheritance law, whereas the practices he is taking charge of at KIAP, Attorneys at Law, in arbitration and corporate disputes hit band 1 of the ranking for 2023;

  • As shown by the 2023 ranking of Kommersant Publishing House, KIAP were acknowledged one of the best law firms in Russia. Andrey was personally distinguished as one of the best lawyers in commercial dispute resolution, corporate dispute resolution, insurance, and in manufacturing and industry;

  • In the Chambers Europe ranking, KIAP, Attorneys at Law, is on the list of top-notch law firms across Russia. Over the recent years, until the ranking pulled out of Russia, the litigation practice led by Andrey earned the highest appraisals and was in Band 1 of the best litigation lawyers in the mid-market. Moreover, Andrey comes highly recommended by the Chambers as an Eminent Practitioner in litigation.

  • In the Best Lawyers 2022 ranking, KIAP, Attorneys at Law, were recognized the Law Firm of the Year in Russia in dispute resolution category. For 12 years in a row, the Best Lawyer recommended Andrey Korelskiy as a favourite in the Russian market of arbitration and mediation, dispute resolution, bankruptcy and insurance.

Andrey is the founder of the Legal Run charity project and Legal Chess tournament.

Speaker at the biggest international and Russian conferences.

  • Representing insurance company Allianz in a dispute with a foreign reinsurer on a reinsurance recovery in the total amount of more than USD 35 million arising out of the accident at the Sayano-Shushenskaya hydropower plant (total damage over USD 200 million). The result – the client’s claim was satisfied in full, afterwards the decision was enforced in the territory of Switzerland.
  • Representing of Irish Bank Resolution Corporation Limited in a series of disputes related to the bankruptcy of a major international financial group, including execution of judgments from the Republic of Belize and the Republic of Northern Ireland by RF SСC (amount at issue: 200+ mln euros).
  • Representing one of the largest retail chains protecting its investments in a number of disputes in several regions of the Russian Federation totaling 5 billion roubles. As a result all disputes were resolved in our client’s favor. 
  • Representing EuroChem in a dispute related to the issue of application of Articles 450 and 452 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation. The Supreme Commercial Court shared position of the client that transactions may imply conditions of unilateral termination thereof should one of the parties fail to comply with the undertaken obligations.
  • Representing Rockwool in a dispute with the Treasury of the Russian Federation (RF Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation and the Federal Bailiffs Service) for compensation for breach of a reasonable period for the execution of the court decision. The precedent put in place must one way or another prompt the Federal Bailiff Service to improve the enforceability of court rulings, which are currently abysmally underenforced, bringing the entire judiciary into disrepute as a result.
  • Representing Rosatom’s subsidiaries arising from an action filed by Greenpeace challenging transactions of depleted nuclear fuel delivery from European countries and the USA from 2000 until 2005. The result — the environmental organization’s suit was completely denied.
  • Representing ROSNO insurance company in an arbitration arising from a claim for indemnity recovery as the result of the collapse of “Transvaal Park” sports and fitness complex. Claims by “Transvaal Park’s” owners against ROSNO were all rejected.
  • Representing Iliushin Finance Co. in a number of litigation actions filed against Aeroflot – Russian Airlines on delivery of six “Il-96-300″ aircraft. Courts of all instances supported the legal position of our client.
  • Representing the world’s leading supplier of innovative products and systems based on stone wool in a bankruptcy matter of a warrantor.
  • Representation of a debtor's former director in an action for vicarious liability damages of 46 mln roubles. The court of first instance and the court of appeal upheld the firm's position that the director's actions were legally valid.

Казалось, что после пандемийного 2020-го российских юристов сложно удивить, но в 2022 году это удалось. Еще год назад сотрудники юрфирм не представляли, что им придется массово спасать своих доверителей от попадания на фронт, осваивать американское право из-за отказа сотрудничать с россиянами и оформлять «доверенности на всё». В нашем материале собрали необычные запросы к юристам. Для кого-то и...
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 3436 01.03.2021 Andrey Korelskiy, Право.ru
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