Denis Primakov

Denis Primakov

Head of practice
PhD in Law

Denis has solid experience with the sanction and anticorruption compliance working in Central Asia and with international clients.  He specializes in consulting the largest Russian and transnational companies on sanction and corruption issues (internal investigation, training, enhancing Due Diligence, communication with national regulators including OFAC, OFSI, SEC, SySEC etc). He is fluent in English, Hebrew, French and Arabic.

Denis has broad experience working as an in-house lawyer and legal consultant both. Previously he was the head of international compliance practice in several large companies.

Denis received a Ph.D. in Law degree at Saint Petersburg University, currently, he is Associate Professor at the Russian Trade Academy where he teaches classes on anticorruption compliance, the US civil procedure, and Civil procedure and commercial arbitration in the Middle East and Asia. For the last 4 years, he has conducted sanction compliance courses in the MLA compliance program at HSE (Moscow). Denis is a certified member of the  ACSS association.


  • Establishing sanction program/policy for Moscow Exchange Group

  • Consulting Russian company for Israeli Arbitration Legislation

  • Consulting some brokering companies for sanction compliance (establishing internal sanction checks and policies)

  • Implementing anti-corruption standards and policies for several companies (including training for staff)

  • Consulting International Financial Provider in Islamic law compliance

  • Implementation of sanction compliance in the Russian branch of a foreign Bank (Japanese bank)

  • Consulting Russian company with Israeli counterparts

  • Consulting aircraft company regarding sanctions.

  • Consulting on company formation in UAE

  • Consulting company regarding Swiss and German sanction regulations

  • Experience with drafting indemnification (sanction) letters for OFAC and Evaluation of effects of sanctions

  • 4 years anti-corruption compliance project in Kazakhstan: drafting amendments to legislation, evaluating compliance systems in companies

  • Consulting some individuals on how to release securities and bonds in the Euroclear according to the EU Regulation.

  • Consulting a company on Israeli law and commercial arbitration in Israel.

Статья раскрывает особенности салям как направленного в конечном счете на передачу права собственности обязательственного договора, разрешенного шариатом. Так как суть салям состоит в том, что она изменяет логику обычной для исламского права конструкции купли-продажи, специальное внимание в статье уделяется размежеванию предварительной оплаты по договору салям с обычной для исламского права ку...
 1375 16.01.2023 Denis Primakov, Мнения экспертов