Ekaterina Spakhova

Ekaterina Spakhova

Senior Associate
Senior Associate in Corporate practice and assists on projects of Tax and Banking & Finance practices. Ekaterina specializes in consulting the largest Russian and transnational companies doing business in Russia on corporate matters, as well as in the sphere of commerce and real estate. Ekaterina structures major M&A transactions within Russian market and cross-border transactions. Specializes on representing clients in various government bodies, including Federal Antimonopoly Service of the Russian Federation, Chamber of Commerce and Industry and tax authorities.

Personally ranked lawyer in Best Lawyers 2021 (Litigation) and Legal 500 EMEA 2019 international ratings.
Corporate / M&A:

  • Providing legal support to Zvezda Shipbuilding complex in preparation of transaction documents and negotiations with partner, Korean Hyundai Samho Heavy Industries Co. Ltd (HSHI), on terms of the transaction on launching a joint venture in the field of engineering and project management of the construction of tankers – OOO “Zvezda-Hyundai”. 
  • Advising European concrete panels producer in the course of sale of its Russian business (value of project exceeds 12 mln euro).
  • Carrying out due diligence of large-scale industrial forest holding company in the course of its acquisition by an international holding company, one of the major producers of wooden houses.
  • Advising a large Russian investment company regarding the complex structuring of investments in the agricultural sector.
  • Representation of a Russian investor in a corporate dispute regarding the return of shares in one of a large company producing high-grade phosphate-bearing raw materials, phosphoric fertilizer and feed phosphates, which were stolen from the depositary (value of the stolen shares was more than 1 billion rubles).
  • Advising a large Russian airport complex in respect of possible options on settlement of a corporate dispute in the airport complex which arose during the carrying out of a project on construction of new airport in the region. The client was also provided with legal support in the evaluation of risks of damages recovery from the management of airport complex related to the shutting down of the airport.
  • Preparation of a shareholders’ agreement for a daughter company of an international logistics enterprise in order to settle a corporate dispute related to management of the company.
  • Representation of a French agricultural holding company in the Federal Antimonopoly Service of the Russian Federation (FAS) in obtaining approval for purchase of shares of a Russian malt producer.
  • Representation of an international paper mill holding company in the Federal Antimonopoly Service of the Russian Federation (FAS) in obtaining approval for establishing control over a Russian enterprise.
  • Advising a large Russian restaurant chain on an action plan to achieve a new corporate structure.
  • Advising and assisting foreign companies on accreditation of branches and representative offices in Russia and on incorporation of daughter companies in Russia.
Banking and Finance:

  • Consulting start-up project on the possibility to implement the acquiring project in Russia. 
  • Drafting an opinion on correspondence of the innovative arrangement for cross-border funds transfer to the requirements of the Russian legislation in the sphere of international funds transfer system.
  • Advising a large Baltic bank on options for the settlement and enforcement of the debt of a Russian borrower.
  • Advising several clients on issues related to carrying out KYC (know your client) procedures while opening of Russian and foreign bank accounts.
Tax law:

  • Advising Russian private investors on tax and currency control consequences of opening a business abroad.
  • Advising on the creation of a contractual framework for a large company operating in housing and the provision of community amenities.
Commercial practice:

  • Advising a large manufacturer of drinks on holding a public event in the Russian Federation.        
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