Evgeny Metla

Evgeny Metla

Senior Associate

Leading lawyer in the White Collar crime and Litigation practices. Evgeny specializes in supporting complex projects involving both criminal law elements and litigation in various areas.


Personally ranked lawyer in Best Lawyers 2021 international rating.


White Collar crime

  • Representation of interests of the injured (person of the Forbes list) in the criminal case opened on fraud to the amount of RUB 13 billion;

  • Defense of the defendant (person of the Forbes list) in the criminal case instituted on the grounds of a crime under Article 128.1 of the Criminal Code of Russian Federation (“Slander”);

  • Representation of interests of the injured in the criminal case on fraud committed by the former employee of the international advertising company;


  • Representation of interests of the person from the Forbes list in the dispute regarding the recovery of more than RUB 17 billion;

  • Representation of interests of the person from the Forbes list in the isolated dispute in bankruptcy case regarding invalidation of the transaction of purchase and sale of shares of more than RUB 13 billion and enforcement of implications of the invalidated transaction;

  • Representation of interests of the former CEO of the major retail company in the dispute regarding recovery of more than RUB 100 million damages;

  • Representation of interests of the individual in the dispute regarding the protection of honour, dignity and business reputation involving the leading investment company, the international publishing house and the person from the Forbes list;

  • Representation of interests of the person from the Forbes list in the dispute regarding the recovery of legal costs in form of damages related to the termination of the criminal case against the person.

Верховному суду на этой неделе предстоит рассмотреть 189 споров. Он разберется, законно ли жена банкрота продала принадлежащий ей земельный участок без ведома финансового управляющего, может ли физлицо обжаловать действия ФАС в арбитражном суде и порочит ли статья издательского дома «Коммерсантъ» деловую репутацию Виталия Орлова и АО «НОРЕБО ХОЛДИНГ». Апелляционная коллег...
 4459 10.12.2018 Evgeny Metla, Право.Ru
В статье рассматриваются важные квалифицирующие признаки кражи, такие как значительный ущерб, в крупном размере, особо крупном размере. Авторы на основе анализа судебной практики выявляют основные проблемы, связанные с квалификацией преступлений, предусмотренных ст. 158 УК РФ. Предлагаются свои практические подходы, направленные на формирование единых правил определения размера ущерба. Ключевы...