Roman Suslov

Roman Suslov

Senior Associate
Ph.D in Law

Roman is specializing in M&A structuring and corporate consulting on every stage of business life cycle. He is experienced in banking and finance projects, including asset-backed securitization transactions and debt financing. Our clients highly rate Roman for insights in business process, consistent detail-oriented and balanced approach, skills in bringing comprehensible information. He has expertize and knowledge of industry specifics in IT, FinTech and e-commerce, retail and transportation.

Actively involved in educating and enlightening activities. Completed English and international business law training at London Metropolitan University.


Personally ranked lawyer in the international ratings Legal 500 EMEA 2021 (Taxes) and Best Lawyers 2022 (Banks and finance, Information technology) and the Russian rating "Kommersant" (in 2019 entered the Top 10 lawyers in Banking and Financial law).

Banking and Finance:

  • Advising a large Baltic bank on options for the settlement and enforcement of the debt of a Russian borrower.
  • Drafting documentation for one of the largest Russian retail banks financing acquisition of electricity company’s stocks.
  • Legal support regarding application of investment funds in restructuring of business, managing of real estate and investing in bonds.
  • Successful legal support of  the largest securitisation transaction in respect of the portfolio of residential mortgage loans originated by VTB 24, one of the largest banks in Russia, in the total amount of 46 bln roubles. Additional security for the bonds was provided in the form of surety stood by the Housing Mortgage Lending Agency.
  • Advising a client on restructuring and amortisation procedures of cross-border securitisation of automobile loans under English law, and legal support of an SPV's activities.
  • Legal support of securitisation transaction in respect of the portfolio of residential mortgage loans originated by VTB 24 (PJSC) in the total amount of 28.9 bln roubles. Moody’s has assigned Baa2 (sf) rating to the class A securities.
  • Advising on financial services and electronic commerce issues for Russian and foreign companies, including banks, micro-financing institutions, e-payment service providers and companies which are carrying out commercial activity via online platforms.
  • Participation in litigations relating financial issues. 

Corporate / M&A:

  • Advising on restructuring of a large Russian restaurant chain and creation of an action plan to reach its targetted structure.
  • Representation of an international paper mill holding company in the Federal Antimonopoly Service of the Russian Federation (FAS) in obtaining approval for establishing control over a Russian enterprise.
  • Representation of a French agricultural holding company in the Federal Antimonopoly Service of the Russian Federation (FAS) in obtaining approval for purchase of shares of a Russian malt producer.
  • Carrying out due diligence of large-scale industrial forest holding company in the course of its acquisition by an international holding company, one of the major producers of wooden houses.
  • Representation of a Russian oil company on a shareholders agreement with an international manufacturer of fuel products.

Tax practice:

  • Development of the operational structure of a real estate project in the context of the successive demolition of dilapidated buildings and construction of new real estate (investments in an amount of 8 billion rubles).
  • Pre-trial settlement of tax claims worth more than 500 million rubles submitted against a client based on the findings of a repeated field audit by the Federal Tax Service Department (FTSD) for the Kostroma Region.
  • Advising Russian private investors on tax and currency control consequences of opening a business abroad.

Commercial practice:

  • Drafting of commercial agency agreements and distributor agreements for large Russian manufacturing company.
  • Evaluation and development of contractual framework for a global hotel chain.
  • Advising a large manufacturer of drinks on holding a public event in the Russian Federation.  
  • Advising an international manufacturer of electronic devices on requirements for import and turnover of encryption tools under Russian legislation.
  • Advising on the development and review of documentation for carrying out marketing campaigns for games, lotteries and competitions.

Administrative practice:

  • Advising an international manufacturer of clothes and household goods on labelling requirement under Russian law.
  • Advising international companies on the certification of goods imported into Russia.
Гражданский кодекс дает клиенту безусловное право в любой момент закрыть банковский счет. Но можно ли сдать кредитную карту, если на ней числится солидный долг? В разных регионах сложилась разная практика, а недавно в подобном деле разобрался Верховный суд. Его определение прокомментировали эксперты. Они рассказали о плюсах и минусах разъяснений кассации для банков и их клиентов. ...
 9047 22.03.2017 Roman Suslov, Право.Ru
Клиенты банка ВТБ24 в течение всего дня не могли снять деньги со своих карт. В финансовом учреждении объяснили, что проблема в сбое системы. Можно ли добиться компенсации за доставленные неудобства? Сбой в работе одного из самых крупных розничных банков страны. Клиенты ВТБ24 в понедельник не могли воспользоваться своими картами. Не получалось снять деньги в банкоматах и расплатиться карт...
 7490 13.02.2017 Roman Suslov,
1 февраля вступает в силу целый ряд изменений. Всех юристов должна заинтересовать возможность разрешать отдельные корпоративные споры в третейских судах. Вкладчикам и кредиторам будет полезно узнать, как на них отразится новый порядок определения размера резерва на возможные потери. Для предпринимателей важно своевременно и правильно установить кассовые аппараты с функцией автоматической п...
 7554 31.01.2017 Roman Suslov, Право.Ru