
Just over 4 months after its previous landmark ruling of 26 July 2024, the Russian Supreme Court continues its crusade against “hostile” or “unfriendly” arbitration forums under the so-called Lugovoy Law (Articles 248.1 and 248.2 of the Russian Arbitrazh (commercial) procedure code). On 28 November 2024, the Supreme Court issued a new ruling in which it held that Russian arbitrazh (commerci...
The 2015 Queen Mary and White & Case International Arbitration Survey1 revealed that a lack of effective sanctions during the arbitral process was the second worst characteristic of international arbitration. Within the same survey, 52% of respondents picked sanctions for dilatory conduct by parties or their counsel as effective innovation that could be included in arbitral rules and proce...
Professional responsibility of Russian lawyers is a long-standing matter. Recently, in addition to domestic ethics the legal community has been maintaining debates on ethical challenges in international commercial arbitration (“ICA”). For Russia, it looks as a discussion of particulars of creating a bicycle, when we are out of wheels. It is wrong to say that most unethical activity ...